
Screenshot of Bandcamp page

We have great news for Skafish fans!

We are excited to announce that we have created a store on Bandcamp to sell ALL of the 829 and La Befana Records releases online. You can now buy digital downloads, CDs, collectible and autographed items directly from us. We also have other collectibles that we will be adding to the store soon.

Current collectible items include:

  • Autographed CDs
  • Special promotional CDs
  • Autographed limited edition posters
  • Autographed limited edition download cards

We chose Bandcamp because they have some great features. They are an artist friendly site and, although you are shopping through their storefront, you are purchasing DIRECTLY from us.

Bandcamp also has a feature to allow fans to pay more than the asking price in order to show their support for their favorite artists.

Bandcamp offers lossless formats for streaming as well as optional high-quality downloads. There is a free Bandcamp app for Android, iOS and Sonos for unlimited streaming access to your purchases.

Check out the new store at

To all the Skafish fans: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We couldn’t move forward without you. 🙂
