Decline of Western Civilization on DVD

decline_western_civI just discovered that this had been re-released. The fact that a legal version was finally available blew me away – these films have been bootlegged as much as Urgh! A Music War because they were unavailable for so long.

The Decline Of Western Civilization Collection is a three film set by director Penelope Spheeris. It is an mazing documentation of the changing sounds of punk and metal in the LA music scene of the 1980s? Filled with band interviews, concert footage, even interviews with the fans. Featured are performances by groups like Germs, Black Flag, X, Fear, Circle Jerks, Alice Cooper and Ozzy Osbourne.

All three films have been restored in high definition.

Besides the three films, the following special features are listed:

New 2K Scan Of Each Film Supervised By Director Penelope Spheeris

Commentary by Dave Grohl

Tawn Mastrey of KNAC Interviews Penelope Spheeris

Never-Before-Seen Original Footage, Performances and Interviews

Mark Toscano of the Academy Film Archive Interviews Penelope Spheeris

Theatrical Trailers

40-Page Booklet Featuring Rare Stills and Text by Domenic Priore

And More…

There is a bonus disc with lots of goodies, too! The reviews on this set are fantastic!

Is this something you’ve been waiting for?



Writer. Blogger. Ebook aficionado. Foodie. TV and movie junkie. Tech thrall. Wife and muse to Punk pioneer and jazz genius Skafish. Record company minion.

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