Every Musical Guest from the Simpsons… in order

Simpsons_FamilyPictureOkay, admit it. We have all watched them, despite occasional rumors to the contrary.  The Simpsons is the longest running sitcom in television history and a list of the pop culture reference based on the show would probably be a very long list. Can you say “Meh?”

The list of guest stars on the show reads like a Hollywood who’s who. They have also had a talented array of musical guests that also reads like a celebrity A-list (including the group Fall Out Boy which took its name from an episode of the show). To celebrate FXX’s 522 episode Simpson Marathon, Billboard Magazine has put together a list of every music guest from the Simpson show, in chronological order. It is a pretty amazing list that includes Johnny Cash, Lady Gaga, the B-52s and so many more.

It is a lovely bit of music trivia and worth checking out. 🙂


Image from Wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Simpsons#mediaviewer/File:Simpsons_FamilyPicture.png







Writer. Blogger. Ebook aficionado. Foodie. TV and movie junkie. Tech thrall. Wife and muse to Punk pioneer and jazz genius Skafish. Record company minion.

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